MEDICA 2022│Aikang "Star" showcased at the international stage


The 54th comprehensive medical exhibition MEDICA 2022 was held on November 14-17, 2022 in Dusseldorf, Germany. More than 5000 medical enterprises from all over the world gathered in MEDICA to share the grand feast!

Aikang cherished every chance of communicating with international partners face-to-face. This time, Chairman Zhang of Aikang group led the international marketing colleagues as the expo team to meet our international customers at the Rhine River. In the exhibition, not only the new-released Chemiluminescence Immunoassay analyzer CLIA-mate 1200, but also the star products CLIA-mate Plus and C 900 which were in the same series showcased, and the Automated Blood Grouping analyzer Aigel 300 was exhibited, too.

At MEDICA 2022 in Germany, we received huge positive feedback for our IVD medical solutions. Big thanks to all visitors for your trust and support.